APPLY HERE for Case Competition 2025 with Vestas

You can apply up to and including March 16.

However, we’re selecting a few teams on an ongoing basis, so getting your application in early might give you an edge.

Participating in AAUCC and how it works:

Participants can apply in teams, in pairs or as individuals, who will subsequently be put in a group. All the participants must be enrolled in one of the universities in Denmark.

The application must include an individual motivational letter (½ page)

In the motivational letter you must include who you are, the reason behind the application and why you deserve to be elected as a participant in the case. For instance, you can focus on your professional interest, your competences or a particular working experience that will be significant in the competition.

  • All university students studying in Denmark can apply to participate
  • All international students studying at a danish university can apply to participate
  • It is free to participate and we will provide catering

We will get back to you after the deadline date (March 16th), to inform you if you are a participant for this year’s case competition.

The prize pool consists of DKK 15.000 in gift cards

The value of the award may be taxable, which will be the winner’s responsibility to inform.
See more at

  • By participating in AAU Case Competition you give your consent to and accept that AAU Case Competition and the third party can use the photos, which is taken at the competition, for advertising etc. in which you may or may not appear on.
  • You accept that we are allowed to produce videos following the event, which you may appear on.
  • The solutions developed under the case competition belongs to the company and not the students.
  • You must bring your own computer.
  • The company sets the case, but there is given free rein to find the solution.
  • All tools are allowed – both books, online sources, reference material etc.
  • All materials concerning the case solution will remain in the room during the competition.
  • Collaboration among the participant teams is allowed although plagiarism is not permitted.
  • Extension cables are not guaranteed; you may bring it for yourself/your team.
  • Your solution must be delivered in due time and must be presentable through a powerpoint, no video presentations are allowed
  • Your data could be shared with case corporations and collaboration partners.

Application form: Participate in AAU Case Competition

    Which case(s) are you applying for?

    Choose one or more of the cases below - you decide:

    Your name (required)

    University name(required)

    Study programme and term (required)

    Degree (required)

    Bachelor degreeMaster degree


    Your e-mail (required)

    Your phone number (required)

    Your nationality (required)

    Residence city. (required)

    If you want to apply as a group or team, please write the names of your the team members below (maximum three)

    International StudentDanish Student

    Application. Here you write your motivational letter. The letter must not exceed 1.200 characters or 1/2 page and should describe why you or your team should be chosen to participate in Aalborg Case Competition

    Experience.How can you use your education, knowledge and creativity to the theme. E.g. "I know how to ______, therefore I can provide..","I know how to _____, because...", "I'm studying(Field of study), therefore I know.." etc.

    Individual/Group. Individual/Group. If you have applied to compete in pairs or as part of a group, but also wants apply individually, please choose "yes" below for applying individual and choose "No" for not. You will be in a group with three others who have applied individually. By also applying individually, you will increase the possibility to participate in the case competition.


    PLEASE NOTICE! Each participant from the team HAS to apply for the competition.

    Yes, I have liked AAU Case Competition on Facebook to be updated.

    I accept terms and conditions(see below)

    stay updated By following the event on facebook here